Summer 2024: The Southern Colorado Neighborhood Ambassador Program is financially supporting the following two Wildfire Preparedness Community Workshops

Thanks to Outreach funding from FACO and the Colorado State Forestry Service, our SoCo Neighborhood Ambassador program can financially support 6 of each of the two community all-day workshops described below.  Contact program coordinator Dawn ( if you are interested to learn more!

Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Assessment Workshop

Bring Science-based Home Ignition and Property Mitigation Expertise to your Neighborhood!

  • Taught by a regional Experienced Mitigation Expert

  • The Southern Colorado Ambassador Program is offering an educational outreach opportunity for those neighborhoods working on Wildfire defensible neighborhoods through land-owner mitigation.

HIZ Assessment Workshop:

  • Pre-requisite: Watch the provided videos, explaining the HIZ Assessment process and the science behind it
  • (on-location):  At a series of locations of your community’s choosing, the trainer will work with your Ambassador program neighbors to demonstrate how to conduct HIZ assessments on their own homes and neighbors’ homes.
  • The specific value of this workshop is that it trains a first wave of community leaders in HIZ assessments, enabling them to lead future assessments within their communities. The workshop is a teach-the-teacher philosophy, as well as action-oriented in that real-time assessments are made as part of the workday

Neighborhood Ambassador Tasks

  • Step 1: Work with your SoCo NA Coordinator to identify a regional instructor to host this event

  • Step 2: Work with your Neighbors to identify 3-6 homes/properties to assess as part of the Work Day.  We encourage you to visit a variety of homes (big, small, old, new, isolated, densely spaced), topography (steep, flat), and vegetation (forest, shrubs, grassland).

  • Step 3: Work with your Neighbors and Instructor to set the Date, Time and Lunch location

  • Step 4: Work with your SoCo NA Coordinator to customize your poster and communication strategy

  • Step 5: Send out video Prerequisite links and liability waiver (attachment) to workshop participants.

Step 6: Print and Bring the Attendance log and Liability Waiver forms to the event day.

Marketing / Communication Materials:

Day of the HIZ Assessment Event – Please print these documents and bring them to the Tools of the Trade Event for signatures:

Tools of the Trade (Educational and Field Day) Workshop

Bring Safety and Mitigation Expertise to your Neighborhood Mitigation Event!

  • Taught by a regional Sawyer Certified, Mitigation Expert

  •  The Southern Colorado Ambassador Program is offering an educational outreach opportunity for those neighborhoods working on Wildfire defensible neighborhoods through land-owner mitigation.

Tools of the Trade Workshop:

  • Pre-requisite: Your community should have a mitigation strategy and understand the basics of what trees and vegetation are to be removed for your neighborhood wildfire prep day. A best practice is to understand if your community is part of a regional CWPP (Community Wildfire Protection Plan) and use it as project prioritizing guidance.
  • Part I (in person or Virtual):  3 hrs of classroom information about tools and protective equipment used in home mitigation efforts – with a focus on safety!
  • Part 2 (on-location):  At a location of your community’s choosing, the trainer will work with your Ambassador program neighbors to demonstrate safe tree-cutting techniques and then work directly with class participants to try out the techniques under supervision.

Neighborhood Ambassador Tasks 

  • Step 1: Work with your SoCo NA Coordinator to identify a regional instructor to host this event

  • Step 2: Work with your Neighbors to identify 3-6 homes/properties to assess as part of the Work Day.  We encourage you to visit a variety of homes (big, small, old, new, isolated, densely spaced), topography (steep, flat), and vegetation (forest, shrubs, grassland).

  • Step 3: Work with your Neighbors and Instructor to set the Date, Time and Lunch location

  • Step 4: Work with your SoCo NA Coordinator to customize your poster and communication strategy

  • Step 5: Send out video Prerequisite links and liability waiver (attachment) to workshop participants.

  • Step 6: Print and Bring Attendance log and Liability Waiver forms to the event day.

Marketing / Communication Materials:

Day of the Tools of the Trade Events – Please print these documents and bring them to the Workshop for signatures: